Ferrero Rocher Package Redesign
Client: Personal Project Redesign
Role: Graphic Designer, Photographer
Problem to be solved
This project was a study on taking existing packaging and redesigning it in a way that stands out or aligns more closely with the given brand. Current Ferrero Rocher packaging is high quality, so this was a challenge. As it was, the design made it look like a wrapped chocolate bar. My goal was to bring out more of the luxurious side of Ferrero, highlighting the chocolate bar itself with slight gold accents— a nod to their staple Ferrero Rocher truffles.
Before making any sketches, research was done to explore the look and feel of Ferrero Rocher branding, and finding what worked well. This allowed for a more clear artistic direction to be followed for the brainstorming phase.
Sketching and Drafts
Once research was done, sketches were made to come up with a new logo, as well as new package designs that would best fulfill the goals written out at the beginning of the project. Displayed below is a sample of the sketching phase.
Final Project
Following a few cycles of sketching and research, a final design was produced.Given the photography based elements, new photos were taken in a makeshift home studio to provide the imagery needed for the front and back of the package design. This shows the first redesign, along with the new redesign.
Rendering Mockups
Once the final design was finished, Blender was used to create a flexible mockup for the design, displaying it in different settings and angles.